Columbus Outdoor Pursuits (COP), is a volunteer based organization that aims to prepare and educate individuals for in outdoor recreation around the area. This group of individuals provide some of the greatest group rides and guided tours in the area. They commonly host rides to Der Dutchmen and find themselves the Big Brother of all of our riding newbies. So, once you decide to break away from the bike path, look up one of their SEVERAL weekly rides and get out there. Check out their website at http://www.outdoor-pursuits.org/index.php.

Maybe you have heard of them? Talk about a true motivational tool. Push yourself to the limits and get inspired as you meet indivduals with more than a story to tell. Team In Training is a program that helps to support athletes to accomplish their goals, anywhere from a half-marathon, 100 mile bike ride, or a hike through the Grand Canyon. You can do it all? Ready for the cherry on top? Reach your goals, but exceed them. Find yourself among people touched by Leukemia and Lymphoma, as you race for a cure and raise money and awareness. As for cycling, become involved in a program that goes to Lake Tahoe annually. Ride through the abundant, captivating evergreens and around the crystal clear blue waters as you see hundreds of riders from all parts of the country supporting the same cause. Local chapters are forming, inquire about meeting a coach, go to an information session, and find yourself in an amazing adeventure a year from now.

As a second year event, this little guy takes the cake as it has rejuvenated cycling in Columbus on SO many levels. Pelotonia is a grassroots event hosted annually to raise awareness and money for the mission in ending our battles against cancer; all types, all kinds. As a new event to the area, it is exhillarating to see the ambition and determination among so many of our customers. Kudos to you all! In addition, if you have any interest in riding or volunteering, simply visit www.pelotonia.org!

Coolest part? Let roll: support you in all adventures. Mention your affiliation and save 10% on all accessories within our stores. After all, we like to know you're riding your bike. Love it, Give it a name.
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