Thursday, February 25, 2010

Yay Bike Women's Forum Meeting!

"Women in the United States bike far less than men; we represent a huge potential area of growth for bicycling. To tap this potential, Yay Bikes! will host four conversational forums for women cyclists and wanna-be cyclists in 2010. At these events we’ll gather data on what cycling means to us, how we experience cycling in Columbus, and what our vision is for cycling in this city. This information will be used to develop a women’s cycling agenda with specific outcomes to be pursued in 2011." (Source:

What does this mean for us, ladies? It is simply an experienced organization recognizing our potential to impact the cycling community. Together, we can work together to form ideas on how to improve our cycling experiences in Columbus, on all fronts. I encourage you to come out and support the organization, offer your insights, and get involved. I will be in attendance as well and look forward to meeting you, hearing your thoughts, and seeing where we can go from here.

JOIN US- THIS SUNDAY, Feb 28, 2-5p

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